You are
exactly as you are


This is something I say to myself every day when I look in the mirror.
I didn’t always…

I want to help each and every one of you to be able to look in the mirror and not only say this every day but actually BELIEVE IT!

So these are some of the things I am offering to try and help with that…

The Unfurling…

UNFURL with Laura began simply as an idea - that maybe we could look after ourselves better instead of continuing to give in to the relentless grind.

It has grown from being woken up to how disconnected we have been from nature, from each other and, most importantly, from ourselves. A desperate craving for CONNECTION.

After talking to more and more of you, and spending so much time up close and personal, it has evolved into something entirely new. I realised that SO many of you still struggle to accept your body as it is - sometimes even to the point that it stops you from doing the things you love…

AND then I also started to see how little we understand about our beautiful bodies - especially those of us with a menstrual cycle. In a patriarchal* world, we have been taught to ignore and suppress the natural rhythms and cycles of our bodies, the ebbs and flows, the rise and the fall. We have been told that our worth is defined by our bodies, by what we look like, by how small or tall we are.

So I thought FUCK THIS.

I decided that I was born to be a rule breaker and speaking about the things that ‘shouldn’t’ be spoken about is what I do best…

And here we are!

This is only the beginning…

Are you ready?

When I say…

I mean…
The governmental / societal system that has been created by an imbalance of masculine energy - which can be contributed to by people of all genders but has led to significant discrimination, mostly towards women.


I mean…
The masculine or feminine archetypal force (or energy) that resides within all of us - regardless of gender. Not to be confused with gender stereotypes - i.e pink for girls and blue for boys which is, in my stoic opinion, bullshit.


I mean…
The whole cycle from the first day of a period throughout the whole menstrual month until the start of the following period. Not all those with a menstrual cycle are women and not all women have a menstrual cycle. The same goes for vulva and labia.


I mean…
Anything that is visible externally - for someone with a vulva - including labia, clitoris, mons pubis and the vaginal opening… NOT to be confused with the vagina which is simply the muscular ‘canal’ connecting the uterus and cervix to the outside of the body.

Apparently the word vagina derives from Latin meaning ‘sheath for a sword’. Lovely.


Please note:

I try to be as inclusive as possible with the language I use but if there’s anything that you think could be said differently - all feedback is welcome.