Welcome To THE BLOG

I LOVE speaking about all of the things that people don’t usually speak about. The things that you might find embarrassing. The things that your parents might cringe over. The things that people encourage you to speak more quietly about when you’re out in public. The things that we should have all definitely been educated more about in school…

If you know me well, it might shock you to learn that speaking isn’t actually what I enjoy the most and if there’s anything I love more than speaking about all of those things it’s writing about them!

So I started The Blog!


Two words that you might not associate with each other. Two words that have both been shrouded in shame and two words that I’m desperate to reclaim - for everyone’s sake.

I asked a handful of my friends what they would have liked to have learned about in school regarding periods and (particularly female) pleasure and the responses were OVERWHELMING.

This blog is (hopefully) going to be the solution to those questions. The polyfilla to patch up what still appears to be the gaping hole of our current sex education system. The stuff we should ALL already know about our bodies and the stuff that SO many of us still don’t…

My ultimate aim is to be as cool as Gillian Anderson in Sex Education (and real life!) and to bring you the boldest blog I hope you’ve ever read.

You are so welcome here.
All of you.
Exactly as you are.

I hope you enjoy the fuck out of this.


Vulva or Vagina?